If subscribers decide to cancel their subscriptions, you need to be able to offer an online cancellation experience that maximises retention. Limio offers you the ability to create a personalised cancel/save experience and potentially prevent cancellations.
You are fully in control on the experience, whether it's a one-step, simple cancel button or a multi-steps, personalised, flow. This is achieved by preparing Limio Pages and Journeys. Pages may capture cancel reasons, surfacing unique discounts, suggesting personalised upgrades or downgrades with incentives, embedding live chat options, offering free periods, or surfacing contact forms that aim to persuade the subscribers to reconsider. Journeys will allow you to redirect customers to the most relevant pages, leveraging data such as the original Offer the customer has purchased, or the Customer Segment.
If the customer does cancel, Limio also enables you to collect valuable information about the reason for the cancellation to help you improve your offering.
In this guide, we are assuming that you have set up a Limio Self-Service Portal, if not then please read our guide to setting up the My Account portal.
You can create any cancel/save sequence you like. However, for this guide, we will create the most popular flow:
→ 2.1. See Discount Pages OR 2.2 See Switch Pages
→ 3. See Cancel/Save Success, Switch Success or Cancel Success Page
→ 4. Create a Journey for your Cancel/Save experience
→ 5. Testing your Cancel Save Experience
1. Create Cancel Reason Page
The first thing we will do is create a cancel reason page in the Pages tab. The aim will be to collect the reason for the cancellation as to route the subscriber to the correct cancel/save experience.
Create your page by adding a survey. Various survey are available:
- Cancel Survey (card layout)
- Cancel Survey Dropdown (picklist layout)
- Cancel Survey Radio Buttons (radio button layout)
On all, you will be able to edit the text, add reasons for cancellation, and define the URL links to which the user will navigate.
The URL could go either:
- Directly into a Limio Page.
- Trigger a Limio Journey to dynamically route the customer to a personalised experience. By defining a URL that is a starting point for a Limio Journey, it will trigger the Journey and look whether the subscriber meet its conditions. Learn more here: What are Limio Journeys?.
Note that if you'd like to have an alternate design for the Cancel Reason Page, the most flexible way to achieve it will be a Custom Component. Learn more on Creating your own custom components.
Each Cancel Reason could lead a subscriber to different experience, for example:
- A static Page, for example a page that prompts subscribers to contact customer support which a Live Chat options such as Salesforce Live Chat or Intercom added via the Code Inject.
A Discount Page, where you can offer the subscriber a discount (e.g. -10% for 1 month, or -50% for your year). This page is compatible with Limio Journey and can be segmented.
- % discounts are useful if you handle a lot of currencies as it reduces the amount of offers to configure.
A Switch Page, to suggest alternative retention offers. This page is compatible with Limio Journey and can be segmented. Switch offers are dependent on currency, e.g. $1 per month for your next 3 months.
- Switch page are useful if you'd like to have a change of term or products.
To go to a specific page or trigger a journey, define the Url prop.
2.1. Create Discount Pages
If you want to offer a % discount to the customer (-10% per month for the next 3 months), the next thing you will need to do is create Pages with Discount Offers. You will need to:
In the Page Builder:
Drag and drop the Cancel Save Offer component (see details Component: Cancel Save Offer) on the Page Builder.
- Note that 'Only show same term offers?' is true by default. This settings will mean that subscribers will only see the relevant term for their current subscription (e.g. 50% on the next month for a monthly subscription).
- If you'd like them to be able to cancel, add the Cancel Button component (Component: Cancel Subscription Buttons) on the Page Builder.
Drag and drop the Cancel Save Offer component (see details Component: Cancel Save Offer) on the Page Builder.
In Offers:
- You will then need to add Discount(s) on the Pages. Discount Offers are a separate concept from other Offers as they are %-based. See how to do that How to create a Discount offer.
The Cancel Save Offer component will look as follow:
2.2 Create Switch Pages
As part of the cancel experience, you might want to suggest alternative retention offers to the subscribers to switch to (upgrade or downgrade to). To do that, you will need to:
- In the Page Builder:
- Create ampaigns with a Switch Offers. Drag and drop the Switch Subscription components (see details Component: Switch Subscriptions) on the Page Builder.
- You can also add the Subscription Info (see Component: Subscription Info) component to show to the subscriber their current subscription.
- If you'd like them to be able to cancel, add the the Cancel button (see Component: Cancel Subscription Buttons) on the Page Builder.
- Create ampaigns with a Switch Offers. Drag and drop the Switch Subscription components (see details Component: Switch Subscriptions) on the Page Builder.
- In Offers:
- Add regular Offer(s) on the Page. Those are created similarly to regular offers (see How to configure your Offers). The only difference is you should set a Switch Date on the Offer.
The following experience is achieved with the Subscription Info + Switch Subscription components:
3. Create Cancel/Save Success, Switch Success or Cancel Success Pages
There are now 3 possible scenarios:
- 3.1. Subscriber cancels.
- 3.2. Subscriber cancel/saves with a discount.
- 3.3. Subscriber cancel/saves with a different offer.
For all scenario, it is possible to just go back to the initial My Account page, which will display the status of the subscription. However, you may want to show the impact of the change. Let's go through them:
- 3.1. Cancels: In the cases where subscribers still decide to cancel their subscription, they will need to see the Cancel Success Page. This Limio Component will inform subscribers that their cancellation has been canceled. Use the Order Change Success component (see Component: Order Change Success).
- 3.2. Cancel/saves with a discount. In the cases where subscribers still decide to cancel/save their subscription with a discount. Set the "Redirect Url to subscription change confirmation page" of the Cancel/Save Offer component to go to a Cancel/Save Success Page. This page will inform subscribers that they will receive a special offer. Use the Order Change Success component (see Component: Order Change Success).
- 3.3. Cancel/saves with a different offer. In the cases where subscribers still decide to cancel/save their subscription with a switch offer. We recommend you set the "redirectUrl" of the Switch Subscription component to go to a Switch Success Page. This page will inform subscribers that they will change to a different offer. Use the Order Change Success component (see Component: Order Change Success) or the Order Change Table to show changes Component: Order Change Table.
4. Create a Journey for your Cancel/Save experience
This is where the fun starts! You can create personalised experiences through Journeys. Journeys are triggered by URLs, so it can be inserted at any point in the the cancel/save flow.
You will then need to create a Limio journey where you will set which Discount Page(s) or Switch Page(s) a subscriber will go to based on their cancel reason (defined through the starting point URL), segment (defined through the journey condition), or product (defined through a journey condition)
To learn more, go to:
- For conditions based on customer segments: Create a Journey based on Limio Segments & Journeys
- For conditions based on customer's products/terms/offers: Create a Journey based on Subscription Offer Labels
- For the cancel reason: Component: Cancel Survey
5. Testing your Cancel Save Experience
To view your cancel/save experience from your customers perspective, you'll need to carry out a 'Live Test' through the Manage My Account portal in a sandbox environment.
- Pre-Conditions: You will need to order one of your product through an authenticated checkout. Once ordered, you can add manually a segment on the Limio Customer by navigation to Subscriptions > Customer and adding the Segment.
- Step 1 - Go to My Account portal (e.g. /mma)
- Step 2 - Go to your subscriptions and click on the 'Cancel' button.
- Step 3 - View your cancel survey page and go through the different cancel reasons to make sure you are taken to the right Pages.
If you have any questions about how to create a personalised cancel save experience, please email us at support@limio.com
(Optional) How to avoid subscribers abusing a discount?
🛠This feature is in beta. Please contact support@limio.com if you have issues with it. |
If you want to prevent customers from getting multiple discounts during the cancel/save experience, you can add the block discount dialog component to the cancel/save page. This will display a modal preventing the customer from applying a discount to their subscription if it detects that there is already one present.
The customer will be presented with a message explaining that they already have a discount and a button which will redirect them to a different page in the shop. The heading, body, button label and redirect destination are all configurable through the Limio props on the right hand side of the page builder.
Learn more at Component: Block Discount Dialog.
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