Custom Metadata Types (CMT) are configuration objects that are used by our flows and components throughout the Limio app. These objects contain various settings and preferences that can be customised by Limio customers to personalise their experience.
Although most of the configuration stored in the metadata is reserved for internal use, this article will walk you through some features that can be modified to suit individual preferences.
Customise Postal code validation
Where to find: Custom Metadata Types → Region → Manage Records → Select a record
Limio delivery address form validates the address using Region CMT. It includes all necessary metadata about all countries and regions (such as ISO codes, postal code RegExp, related states or provinces, etc.).
Users are able to adjust the RegExp in zip attribute to meet their database standard for postal codes, as well as provide a custom message - in invalid_code_msg - that SF users will see when they enter an invalid postal code in an address form. It will replace a default "Enter a valid code" message.
2. Update identity field to fetch data from Limio
Where to find: Custom Metadata Types → ic Assist Config → Manage Records → App Settings
By default, LFS uses Contact Id to fetch data from Limio. This Id links SF database with Limio database to identify the customer.
If your project relies on a different field, you can use a subjectIdentityField attribute to specify it.
3. Define Payment Gateways
Where to find: Custom Metadata Types → ic Assist Config → Manage Records → Gateways
Config field in this record contains a list of payment gateways in the following format, where the PageId
is an id of a hosted page that will be loaded inside an iframe and URL
is a payment provider instance:
"paymentGateways": [
"paymentType": "DirectDebit",
"name": "Test UAH",
"gatewayType": "Zuora",
"gatewayName": "Test Gateway",
"availableRegions": [
"availableCurrencies": [
"allowPrefill": false,
"sfInstanceUrl": "",
"gatewayConfig": {
"URL": "",
"PageId": "8ad0877b80feaa930181045b66111111",
"credentials": {
"namedCredential": "ZuoraRestV2MI"
4. Override Customer Wallet gateway
Where to find: Custom Metadata Types → ic Assist Config → Manage Records → uiSettings - PaymentMethods
Each payment method in the Customer Wallet has a payment is associated with payment gateway.
There is a way in LFS to ignore the original gateway and override it with a new one from the list of gateways defined in the org.
overrideWalletGateways: true will trigger a search for the relevant gateway, matching it by currency and country of purchase, rather than falling back on the associated gateway from the wallet.
5. Enable Enhanced Filtering
Where to find: Custom Metadata Types → ic Assist Config → Manage Records → uiSettings - Filters
enableEnhancedFiltering: true will make sure that the Offers Catalog is using our new powerful filtering tool, learn more in Enable Enhanced Filtering on Offer Catalog
Subscription Actions CMT
This block covers config properties that can be found in
Custom Metadata Types → ic Assist Config → Manage Records → Subscription Actions
1. Enable or disable journeys
When Limio introduces new subscription actions in LFS we make them hidden by default to give our customers the flexibility to test them first before rolling out to the end users. The visibility of these actions in the available subscription actions dropdown is controlled by respective Boolean config properties. When the property is not defined in the config or is set to false, then the action is hidden, In order to make it visible simply change it to true. Below are the properties and links to the relevant articles about the journey's :
- allowManageAddOnsAction: learn more in Manage Subscriptions subflow: Manage Add-Ons
- allowCreditMemoAction: learn more in Manage Subscriptions subflow: Credit Memo
- showGiftRedemptionButton: learn more in Limio for Salesforce Redeem Gift Flow
2. List reasons for different actions: cancel, refund, credit memo, discount add-on on acquisition
Where to find: Custom Metadata Types → ic Assist Config → Manage Records → Subscription Actions
In the Config, we have several attributes which hold lists of reason strings for respective journeys that are later rendered in a dropdown view:
- cancelReasons - Cancellation journey
- lifetimeDiscountReasons - Acquisition journey when an Add-On of type discount is added to the order
- refundReasons - Refund journey
- creditMemoReasons - Credit Memo journey
3. Adjust Acquisition journey
In the Config field, find a newSubscription object property. It contains two nested properties which control two features described below:
- Disable start date on Acquisition
disableStartDate boolean property defines if the start date field of the new subscription during an Acquisition flow is read-only or editable. It is set to true by default, which means the date is read-only, you can easily update the value to false in order to make the field editable.
- Enable multiple offers purchase
Add the allowMultiOffersPurchase attribute to the newSubscription object, if it is not there, and set its value to true or false to enable or disable the feature.
Find a step-by-step instructions in the following article: How to enable multiple offers purchase in a single order
4. Relabel events in the Subscription and Customer Timeline
eventToLabelMap object property reflects a mapping of Limio subscription event api names to labels in the timeline, learn how to change labels of subscription events in How to relabel Limio event in the Timeline
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