Update (Feb 8, 2023)
Part of this issue has been resolved as part of Release 74. In Release 74+, a manual build will no longer fail due to Page name, or Page tag length. However, using the mass build feature will still cause these long pages to fail the build. Please continue to use the workaround listed below in order to use the mass build feature.
Issue: Builds or bulk builds will fail if the Page name and Tag of the Page are too long. Limio uses a concatenation of both for its build. The character limit for the Page Name and Tag Name is currently is at 145 characters. This is a limit set by Limio infrastructure provider.
For example, SP The Betterley Report - Intellectual Property and Media Liability and /sp-betterley-report-intellectual-property-and-media-liability will be concatenated as 'sp-20-the-20-betterley-20-report-20-20-intellectual-20-property-20-and-20-media-20-liability-sp-20-the-20-betterley-20-report-20-20-intellectual-20-property-20-and-20-media-20-liability' (185 characters). This will cause Builds to fail. Note that Spaces are currently encoded as "-20-".
Workaround: Shorten the page name, the tag URL, or both to meet the 145 characters limit.
Long-term fix: This bug will be prioritised for our roadmap. This article will be updated as more information is available.
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