Together with the acquisition journey, the Manage Subscriptions is a pre-built, template flow that allows managing existing subscriptions for a customer from a Salesforce case.
Flow Overview
Overall, the flow consists of the following steps:
- display the existing subscriptions for the customer, with the ability to select an action to perform against it. This list could also be used to simply view the subscriptions for the customer
- shows the list of available actions for the selected subscription
- trigger the relevant subflow for the specific action being selected, showing the relevant steps for the specific action
- submit the order
Subscriptions List
The flow is automatically loaded with a list of existing subscriptions for the customer, from which the user can select one to perform an action on.
The columns shown in the table can be customised in the flow, see Flow Customisation: Subscriptions Table Columns
Subscriptions Actions
After selecting the relevant subscription, the user is presented with a list of actions available for the subscription.
Such list can be customised in the flow and other actions be returned, see Flow Customisation: Override Supported Subscription Actions.
An Apex class called Get Subscription Actions, which generates the actions list, requires the following subscription fields to be provided in the method's mapping:
- endDate
- hasDelivery
- isAutoRenewable
- isGift
- isGiftRefundable
- offerPath
- offerProducts
- offerTermLength
- offerTermType
- status
Map these properties from the Subscriptions Screen's output property called Selected Subscription.
Action Subflows
Each supported action triggers a specific subflow.
At the moment there are 6 supported actions, each of which represents a specific action against the subscription:
- Change Payment
- Switch
- Cancel
- Refund
- Gift Refund
- Change Address
- Renew
- Credit Memo (in version 12.18 or higher)
Because each action is defined within its own subflow, they are independent from each other and can be customised autonomously.
Related articles:
Cancel journey allows to re-cancel an already cancelled subscription. Learn more about taking actions against a cancelled subscription here: How Limio events updates Zuora
Note: Zuora Preview is not available in this case, learn more here: Limio for Salesforce: Known Limitations
- Credit Memo: Manage Subscriptions subflow: Credit Memo
- Switch: Manage Subscriptions subflow: Switch
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