Promo codes are a feature that allows customers to enter a code during the purchasing process to receive a discount or special offer on their purchase.
Promo codes shouldn't be confused with gift code. Gift codes are a feature that allows customers to redeem a product on a ecommerce platform by entering the code during the purchasing process.See Guide: How to sell subscription gift codes in Limio Commerce for more details.
How do Limio's Promo Codes work?
A Limio Promo Code is a code that you generate in Limio that allows the customer to retrieve a specific Limio Offer.
The Limio Offer will typically includes a discounted price and must exist before you create the Promo Code. Let's take a specific example:
- You have a Premium tier that costs $100/month and a Pro tier at $200/month.
- You want to do a 20% discounts for both offers for Black Friday.
- You need to create 2 Limio Offer - Premium 20% off ($80/month) and Pro 20% off ($160/month)
- You need to create 2 Promo Code: BLACKFRIDAYPREMIUM and BLACKFRIDAYPRO.
- When the customer uses BLACKFRIDAYPREMIUM, it will add Premium 20% off to their cart. When they add BLACKFRIDAYPRO, it will add Pro 20% off to their cart.
This is the recommended setup, which is simple and prevents potential for error or mismatch in billing frequencies.
For Zuora users, the Limio Offer will need to reference a Product and a Rate Plan from Zuora that includes the discounted price.
Now what if you want to create a generic BLACKFRIDAY promo code that gives 20% off for 1 year on the whole cart? This is possible but requires extra setup and we would recommend to carefully evaluate the possible scenarios, especially making sure the billing frequency of discounts matches the underlying products:
- You will need to use our cart/basket solution (How to display a basket and allow for multi-orders)
- You will need to create a specific Product and Rate Plan in Zuora for a Discount (e.g. Generic product, 20% off for 1 year) and map it to a Discount Offer in Limio (How to create a Discount offer)
You then can create an experience where the customer populate their cart with the products they want (e.g. Premium Annual + Pro Annual).
- Note: To avoid customers mixing terms, you can activate the feature in Settings. See Prevent the purchase of mixed rates
- Finally, the customer can add the 20% discount to their cart, either via the Promo Code solution or via a separate Offer component.
How can I create a Promo Code in Limio?
Note that if you are using Zuora, you will first need to create in Zuora the discounted Rate Plan in Zuora, then sync the new rate plan in Limio. See How to configure Limio Offers with Zuora Rate Plans and Products in Limio and Catalog sync between Limio and Zuora for more details.
Create new promo code
The promo code button is available on the left navigation menu and will allow you to navigate to the promo code section where you can create, view and edit your promo codes.
Screenshot: Promo codes button on the left navigation menu
To create a new promo code, first you need to navigate to the top right-hand corner of the promo code screen and click on the "Create New Promo Code" Button.
Screenshot: Create New Promo Codes Button
Once clicked you will be presented with a modal where you can clarify the details of the promo code. The following information is needed when creating a new promo code:
Promo Code - This is the code your customers will use to redeem the promotional offer. Eg. PROMO15
Description - Use this to give some clarity on what the promo code entails.
Start Date - Date when the promotion starts.
End Date - Date when the promotion ends. NB: Leave blank if you want no end date
Quantity - The amount of promo codes that can be redeemed. NB: Leave blank if you want an infinite amount of promo codes.
Offers - The promotional offer you want to add. NB: You can only add one offer per promotion.
Enabled Toggle - This is switched on by default. You can toggle it off if you don't want the promotion to go live immediately. NB: Once enabled and within the date range, the promo code will be live and ready to be used.
Once you are happy with your promo code just click save and you are all set!
Note : Currently Promo Code doesn't support space in the name.
Screenshot: Create New Promo Code Modal
New promo code table view
Once you have created one or more promo codes, you will be able to view them in a table format as displayed in the screenshot below. This gives a quick overview of all your promo codes and their details. From here you can click on the promo code name or the details button to navigate to the details page where you will be able to view and edit the promo code.
Screenshot: Promo Codes Table View
NB: You are also able to see the amount of promo codes that has been redeemed from this view.
Promo code details view
In this view you can see all the details as outlined on the table view as well as editing your promo code.
Screenshot: New Promo Details Screen
Edit Promo Code
While on the promo codes details view just navigate to the top right-hand corner and click on the "Edit Promo Code" button which will bring up the promo code modal.
Screenshot: Edit New Promo Codes Button
Editable Fields:
- Description
- Start Date
- End Date
- Quantity
- Offers
- Enabled Toggle
Screenshot: Edit Promo Codes Modal
NB: Once you click save your changes will take effect or you can cancel to revert back.
Utilising promo codes
To use promo codes on a page please add the "Redeem-Promo-Code" component to your page.
Screenshot: Redeem-Promo-Code component in page builder
You are also able to change the Heading, Invalid Code message and the Button Text of the component in the component props section.
NB: Once a promo code has successfully been applied, the promotional offer will be added to the customer's basket at checkout.
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