Purpose: Use these buttons to process a cancellation on the subscription in the self-service portal.
id | label | type | default | Purpose | |
cancelSubButtonLabel | Cancellation Button Label | string | Cancel Now | Message visible to customer | |
hideCancelButton | Hide Cancel Subscription Button? | boolean | FALSE | Hide the cancel button | |
confirmCancelHeading | Confirm cancel modal heading | string | Are you sure you want to cancel? | Message visible to customer in the dialog | |
confirmCancelSubheading | Confirm cancel modal subheading | string | Your subscription will lapse at the end of your term and you will lose all benefits. | Message visible to customer in the dialog | |
confirmationOk | Confirm cancel modal process cancel button label | string | I want to cancel | Message visible to customer in the dialog | |
confirmationCancel | Confirm cancel modal go back button label | string | Go back | Message visible to customer in the dialog | |
Cancel Subscription On This Page or Redirect For Confirmation
picklist |
Process On This Page via confirmation modal
Options on cancellation date: immediately or end of term | |
Effective date of cancelleation
End of Term
Options on processing the cancellation: with modal or without modal | |
cancelRedirectUrl | Redirect to Url on cancel confirmation | string | /cancel-confirm | The link where the customer will be redirected if they do cancel | |
additionalCancelButtons | Additional Buttons | list | label | url | Ability to add further buttons |
My account | /my-account |
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