Purpose: To record the reasons for a cancellation and route the customer to the correct experience (See How to create a personalised cancel/save experience with Discounts or Switch Offers for more details). The cancellation reason will be stored in Limio and can be passed to other systems (Integration of Cancel Survey reasons into other platforms).
id | label | type | default |
Purpose |
title | Title | string | Before you go | Header text visible to the customer |
subtitle | Subtitle | string | Please tell us why you want to cancel your subscription | Subtitle text visible to the customer |
arrange | Arrange | picklist | horizontal | Formatting option |
squareTheme | Square Theme? | boolean | FALSE | Formatting option |
reasons | Reasons | list | See below | List of cancel reasons - see table below |
goBackUrl | Go Back URL | string | /mma | Link to go back |
redirectUrl | Redirect URL | string | /mma | Link for redirect (which can point to different Campaigns/Journeys/Pages based on the cancel reason) |
feedbackPlaceholder | Feedback Placeholder | string | Tell us what you would have made your experience better | Feedback text visible to the customer |
confirmationTitle | Confirmation Title | string | Are you sure you want to cancel? | Cancel modal text visible to the customer |
confirmationBody | Confirmation Body | string | Your subscription will lapse at the end of your term and you will lose all benefits. | |
confirmationOk | Confirmation Ok | string | OK | |
confirmationCancel | Confirmation Cancel | string | Cancel | |
iconPrimary__limio_color | Icon Primary Color | color | rgba(0,0,0,.3) | Color scheme for the reason icons |
iconSecondary__limio_color | Icon Secondary Color | color | rgba(0,0,0,.1) | |
backgroundColor__limio_color | Background Color | color | #fff | |
componentId | Component Id | string | cancel-survey-limio |
id | label | url | buttonImage | straightToUrl__limio_boolean | showCta__limio_boolean | ctaText | ctaImage |
expensive | This subscription is too expensive | /save | FALSE | TRUE | We can offer you a discount. | ||
quantity | I have too much | mailto:support@limio.com | FALSE | TRUE | We understand. Please contact us to talk about your options. | ||
dislike | I did not like the membership benefits | FALSE | FALSE | ||||
alternative | I found an alternative | FALSE | FALSE | ||||
other | Other reasons | FALSE |
Integration of Cancel Survey reasons into other platforms
- Zuora/Salesforce (via Zuora Z360): To pass the cancellation reason to Zuora, create a Custom Field on the Subscription Object called Cancellation Reason (the API name must be CancellationReason__c). Create then Picklist Values that maps exactly to the Reason Id defined on the Cancel Survey component.
- Other systems (or directly into Salesforce): You can use the Subscription Offer Change, Subscription Offer Change, Subscription Offer Addition and Subscription Cancellation webhooks and feed into the relevant systems. See How to implement webhooks to track events for more details.
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