Limio is a static-site generator. In practice, this means that saving your changes in Limio won't publish them online. You will first need to build, then publish your changes.
How does preview and publish work?
Build, Preview, and Publish are available through the 'Builds' button in the upper-right corner.
1. Builds: Once you save a page, you must build the page separately by clicking 'Build'. A build will create the Preview and the Publish. This can take a few minutes and you will see it as 'in-progress' while this is done.
2. Preview: Once a Build is successful, the page is available on 'Preview'. You can click on the 'Go to Preview' link, which will automatically route you to<<tag>>
3. Publish: If you are happy with the Preview, then you can click the 'Publish' button. Within a few seconds, the page will be available at the URL<<tag>>.
4. Unpublish: If a page doesn't need to be online anymore, click the "Unpublish" button. The page won't be available online anymore.
Once published, can I make further edits?
Of course! Just edit your page, save, and rebuild. The preview and publish will be available once successful.
I made a global change in Settings impacting my whole Shop. Do I need to rebuild and republish all my changes?
Yes, you can trigger a mass Rebuild by going to Operations > Pages > Rebuild. However, you will need to publish each page individually. If you have hundreds of pages, please contact to request a bulk publish.
My build isn't showing the Publish button.
Sometimes Build can fail, for example if an asset stored in Limio and used in the page has been corrupted. Try to build the button Rebuild. If you still have an issue, please contact
Can I see my page instantly?
Shop build take a bit of time because it creates a fully functional shop. If you'd like to see your page instantly without the checkout, for example to check the look and feel across devices, just click on 'Quick Preview' on the page. You will see your page full-screen with mobile, tablet and desktop option.
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