Limio offers a list of 50+ standard components, called Limio components, which are designed to create an end-to-end subscriber experience, from landing pages, to checkouts, to self-service portals with no code. A Limio Component will often have 10+ configuration options and, like all components, will benefit from the options provided in the Page Builder Styling editor.
Developers can also create low-code custom components, which can also be displayed on the page builder. Learn more about it in our developer documentation.
Here are a list of the Limio Components, grouped by type:
Limio Shop (Acquisition)
- Offers: A display grid of your offers. This is configured via Offers.
- Grouped Offers: An alternative display of offers stored on the campaign in groups.
- Offer Cards: An alternative display of offers stored on the campaign.
- Form (Modular Checkout): A modular set of subcomponents to create a checkout
- Single Page Checkout: A configurable one-pager checkout (legacy)
- Checkout Custom Fields: Add custom fields to the checkout to be mapped to existing Zuora custom fields.
- Order Confirmation: Display an order confirmation page.
- Order Description: A display of what the subscriber is entitled to.
- Registration Options: A prompt to either register or login.
- Redeem: An input form to provide the gift code of a previously purchased gift.
- Redeem Checkout: A checkout to redeem a gift
- Renewal Options: A prompt for customers to login to renew their subscription
Limio Self-Service (My Account)
- Order Table: A display of a customer's subscription information that can be used as the starting point of a My Account experience.
- Payment Table: A display of a customer's payment information (or the payment information related to a specific subscription).
- Invoice Table: A display of a customer's invoices.
- Cancel Survey: A configurable survey to guide the customer to different cancel experience.
- Cancel/Save Offers: Displays a cancel save offer stored on the campaign. Learn more also at How to configure the Cancel and Cancel/Save journey.
- Switch Subscriptions: Load switch offers for a subscription. Learn more also at How to create a personalised switch experience with Switch Offers.
- Cancel Subscription Buttons: Displays a cancel subscription buttons with configurable extra buttons
- Edit Address: A display and editing fields of a customer's address details
- Order Change Success: A message to be displayed on order change. This has access to new order data that can be displayed.
- (⚠️ This component is being retired) Associated Offers: A dynamic offer selection tool to show related offers to a given offer based on Association and also includes the ability to cancel
Note: Most customers import their own header and footer via a custom component or the hosted component.
- Header with Navigation: A header with a logo on the left and navigational links on the right
- Header with Country: A site header, with logo and country picker.
- Footer: A footer with key information and links
- Hero Banner: A large hero with a background image, text, and buttons
- Features: A grid of an image plus text side by side.
- Section: An image plus text component.
- FAQ Banner: A collapsible carousel for FAQs
- Countdown: Display a countdown on your page
- Headings: Heading & subheading.
- Link List: A list of links
- Social Links: A display of social media icons with URL and accompanying copy
Enforcement / Eligibility
- Region Select: A region selector that uses journeys and an override to route users to a selected region
- Block Purchase Dialog: A dialog pops up on an authenticated page if a customer already has a subscription with a 'Block Purchase' Product
- Block Related Purchase Modal: A dialog pops up on an authenticated page (typically the checkout) to block a subscriber from purchasing certain products if they already have one. Learn more on .
- Block Discount Dialog: A component to avoid subscribers having duplicate discounts.
- Block Gift Purchase Dialog: A dialog pops up on an authenticated page if a customer already has a subscription and attempts to redeem a gift
- Block Commerce: A dialog pops up on an authenticated page if a customer is not allowed to interact with commerce
- Hosted Component: A component that fetches code using a URL (endpoint) and injects it into the page.
- Sign up for updates: An input form to sign up for updates.
- Form Builder: A configurable form component to collect any information you require from visitors to your shop.
- Embedded Video: A component that allows to embed a Youtube video.
The full list of Components is available in Limio by clicking on Add Component.
Check our short guide How to use the Page Builder to learn how to add/edit/copy/delete components.
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