LFS version: v12.49 or later
All Limio for Salesforce flows end with a summary component that shows an overview of the order details and order processing events, after submitting an order to Limio.
In order to allow for additional custom logic to be built into the flow after our summary screen, we introduce the following enhancements:
New output properties
- isSuccess
A Boolean property: true if an order was successfully processed, and false if it failed. - orderProcessingEvents:
A string representing a serialised object with all order processing steps in the following format:
{actionName: "New",external_id: "345741VMN55",id: "event-9a065d1bdd887a7ff93ca65b96b7c6a8",order_reference: "4Q0PEHNNC8F0",process: {status: "processed",steps: [{ name: "nexi", success: true },{ name: "zuora", success: true },{ name: "salesforceV3", success: true }]},status: "submitted",type: "order.new"};
In case of a failure, it also includes error messages:
{actionName: "New",external_id: "34574EDVVDO",id: "event-62fd68214c51822e3186da2dca600b10",order_reference: "32VLK22J2HGG",process: {status: "error",steps: [{ name: "nexi", success: true },{ error: {message: "Request failed: https://rest.apisandbox.zuora.com/v1/orders [undefined] 'N/A' is not a valid currency code or name."},name: "zuora",success: false}]},status: "error",type: "order.new"}; - orderReference
A reference generated by Limio once an order is submitted and reached the system.
- isSuccess
New input properties
Controlling an order of actions is important and if you have other components in the flow dependent on the output of our Order Summary, you can hide the footer from the Order Summary screen, preventing users from advancing unless the Order submission is successful, or an order processing has finished, and trigger navigation to the next screen automatically.
- Navigate to next Screen on Success
This feature triggers the Flow to move to the next screen (similar to clicking the "Next" button in the Screen Flow) after a successful submission.
- Navigate to next Screen on Failure
Similar to the above, allows our customers to enhance error handling.
- Number (in seconds) of timeout before trigger navigate next
- Navigate to next Screen on Success
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