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New Features and Improvements
Better UX for managing the rate plan on an offer
We have been working on ways to improve the user experience of configuring offers in Limio. One of the recent adjustments we have made to this process is to add extra information to the ‘Products’ tab of the offer.
Now, you are able to see the ‘Rate Plan Details’ as well as just the ‘Rate Plan Name’ - giving a quick and clear overview of the renewal price and frequency associated with the offer.
Screenshot: There is a new column that displays rate plan details, so you can better understand your configuration at a glance.
Preventing Credit Memos if the selected Payment Method is PayPal.
PayPal no longer supports unreferenced refunds, so we are no longer issuing partial / compensation refunds using Limio’s default refund functionality when the payment method selected is PayPal.
Bug Fixes
Renewal start date and current term discrepancies displayed on confirmation and my account pages (#4102)
We fixed the issue of incorrect subscription start dates in the order-confirmation component for renewed subscriptions by making an explicit call to fetch the subscription object.
Renewal displaying ‘unable to process the order’ but on retrying displays ‘already renewed your subscription’ (#109589)
We added an owner during the initialisation of renewal checkout to fix the issue of anonymous user being presented with conflicting error messages. If there's no owner in a renewal checkout, we set it to the one provided on the order.
Allow users to pull by date range in getObjects() (#109634)
The getObjects API now has parameters for created_from and created_to, meaning that users can now query objects by a date range.
Renewal price in Order Confirmation component not translating correctly
The renewal price field in the Order Confirmation component did not display correctly when using a translation file. This has been resolved.
Nothing attached to tag (#109917)
Certain journeys were saying that nothing was attached to the tag in the destination, even though the page existed. This fix required that we re-run the indexer, which is something that we advise whenever you are creating new journeys.
Recaptcha does not get initialised with user already has a session
Something we identified as part of the investigation for #109906. We now add recaptcha verification in the event that a customer starts a checkout, abandons it, and then initiates a new checkout within the same session.
Props missing from Renew Form Component (#109924)
There were certain props missing from the Renewal Form component, which have now been added back in.
Express Checkout not available in the campaign pages (#109913)
When a user pays by ApplePay, they are now able to see their basket information in order complete pages. We have enabled this by passing the Basket ID through as part of the order.
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