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New Features and Improvements
Support Typescript in our LDX
We now support our customers using Typescript to build custom components in the the new Limio Developer Experience. Our new DX helps developers:
To be able to develop locally and see results quickly
To be able to support their own release and versioning process
To be able to use a CI process to release changes in a controlled environment
To own their code
Read more about our Limio Developer Tools here: https://developers.limio.com/custom-components/getting-started
Display custom component version in Page Builder v2
We have made troubleshooting your pages and custom components even easier. You are now able to see the package.json file version on any custom components in Page Builder v2. This information will be useful to any developer wanting to troubleshoot a custom component in Page Builder v2.
Screenshot: See the custom component version by clicking on the purple "edit" icon, and then looking in the top right corner under the custom component name.
Improvements to the Limio Salesforce plugin (v3)
We've improved the functionality of the Limio Salesforce plugin (v3) to cover a wider variety of business cases more thoroughly.
Duplicate Check - We've improved the duplicate check functionality in our Limio Salesforce plugin (v3). Users now have the option to decide whether or not to link a subscription to an existing account when a duplicate is found, or simply return an error.
Limio identity and external identity - For the platform events for new, update, cancel_intent, and customer_details, we now include the Limio identity and external identity of the customer in the payload.
Support for update_subscription - We now support the update_subscription order type when generating platform events.
New platform event support - We now create a platform event for cancel_intent, update_customer_details, or update_subscription order types.
Whole order object option - There is a new option in the config of the plugin to send the whole order object as a string. The option is called sendWholeOrder.
New source fields - There are 2 new fields in the plugin: orderSource and initiatedSource. orderSource will be shop or salesforce, depending on whether the order was completed online in a Limio shop or with customer service representative in Limio for Salesforce. initiatedSource will be shop or salesforce, depending on whether the order was initiated online in a Limio shop or with a customer service representative in Limio for Salesforce. These values will not necessarily be the same, especially when using the abandoned basket flow or generating a payment link.
Include crm_id - The CRM ID is now always being passed in the Limio Salesforce plugin (v3) for new and gift orders, even if the customer is unauthenticated.
Please email support@limio.com if you're interested in learning more about our Salesforce plugin.
Extend out-of-the-box Zuora custom fields to lmo_offer
Limio order processing has out-of-the-box logic to detect if a certain custom field is defined in Zuora. If it is, it will add the field to the order or request in the corresponding object.
We have extended this functionality to include the field "lmo_offer". If lmo_offer__c is defined in Zuora and lmo_offer is populated on the subscription, this field will be populated with the URL path of the Limio offer, on the Offer Object.
Read more about out-of-the-box Zuora fields here: Out of the Box Zuora Custom Fields
Read more about custom fields in Zuora here: How to populate custom fields in Zuora
Show price inclusive of tax, if applicable, in all components that show price
We recently introduced the option to display price inclusive of tax in the Switch Subscription component (see Release 95 notes). We have now extended this functionality to the other Limio components that show price. The full list of components that now support this change is below:
- Switch subscription
- Subscription description
- Subscription info
- Cancel save offer
- Order change table
- Single product basket
- Order change success
- Orders table
- Payments table
- Order confirmation
Add page name to Layout for easier debugging
When we are debugging in environments belonging to customers who have many pages, it can sometimes be challenging to locate the specific page that requires debugging. We have now added the page name to Layout to address this issue.
Screenshot: The page is called "Default", which users can now see using the Inspect functionality on a web browser.
Limio Commerce Cleanup
We've been working on removing unused functionality to improve the user experience of Limio Commerce users. For example, we've removed unused attribute types such as StripePriceField, ZuoraPriceField, Tag, and StyleInput. We've also removed the unused Associations tab on Offers and the commenting functionality. We're also working to improve our internally-used SDK.
Optimising the indexer
We've optimised our indexer process so that it indexes necessary data and not the entire catalog. This helps make our indexer more stable.
Note: This is also in some versions of Release 96, please reach out to support@limio.com if you have questions.
Bug Fixes
New column in Offers view doesnβt persist if you move to another tab - you have to refresh
We made a change so that when something on the server changes, the Offers view now updates automatically, fixing the problem where a new column would disappear when you switched to another tab and you had to refresh the page manually.
Alphabetical ordering in the Offer label dropdown (#109560)
We fixed an issue with the Offer label dropdown returning inconsistent sorting.
Gift code can be redeemed twice (#109613)
We disabled the submission button after it's clicked once for non-delivery checkouts to address concerns about duplicate subscriptions redeemed from the same gift code. This ensures that multiple order objects are not created when the button is clicked multiple times, resolving the issue of having multiple valid Zuora subscriptions during processing.
Errors in the Abandoned Basket API (#109608)
We fixed the problem with Offers causing errors in the abandoned baskets API when no products exist. Now, even if there are no products, the issue won't occur.
Canβt add a new label in Offer when In-Line editing (#109643)
We fixed an issue where adding a new Label to an Offer was only possible within the Offer itself, as the In-Line editor would not save.
Required field label in Form component does not work for Field subcomponent
We've resolved the issue where the Required field label didn't appear on Field subcomponents in the modular checkout.
Don't allow attributes with duplicate values
We've fixed a problem where users could add duplicate attributes in templates.
Fixed resizing on Orders Table component
Previously, viewing the Orders Table component on a device below 894 px would misalign the table rows. This has been resolved so that the table resizes correctly.
Use invalid message prop in Payment Details subcomponent
Display the text in the "Invalid message if option not selected" prop in the Payment Details subcomponent when showing an error instead of always displaying the default text.
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