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New Features and Improvements
Sync external subscription edits with Limio
Limio is introducing new functionality that will allow our customers to sync their subscriptions sold outside of Limio into Limio. This means that end customers can manage their subscriptions in a Limio self-service page, even if they didn't purchase their subscription in Limio.
To enable this feature, go to Settings > Zuora > Zuora Sync Settings, and enable the flag for "Do you want to create Limio Subscription Offers and Subscription Add Ons when syncing Subscriptions from Zuora?"
Read more about this functionality here: Sync between Limio Subscriptions and Zuora Subscriptions
New Payment subcomponents in Modular Checkout
We've made the Modular Checkout even more flexible by creating 2 new subcomponents: Payment Method Selection Field and Payment Manager Field. The Payment Method Selector Field can be used for the payment selection radio buttons, and the Payment Manager Field is used to display the actual payment method, for example a Zuora iFrame, Paypal button, or Apple Pay button. This allows you to achieve more sophisticated designs, for example displaying legal text directly above a Paypal button.
Screenshot: Achieve checkout designs like these out of the box by using the new Payment Method Selector Field and Payment Manager Field.
For more information on the Payment Method Selections Selector Field, read: Form Subcomponent: Payment Method Selector Field
For more information on the Payment Manager Field, read: Form Subcomponent: Payment Manager Field
Improve order processing when non-critical plugins fail
Limio has the concept of critical and non-critical plugins. Non-critical plugins are additional integrations with the Limio Shop that help achieve further customisability but are not necessary to complete an order. Sometimes these non-critical plugins fail, and now, we allow for the order to succeed even if a non-critical plugin fails.
If you have questions about which plugins your instance of Limio uses, and which are critical versus non-critical, please contact support@limio.com.
Unpublish deleted offers
The offer publishing functionality has been improved so that if a Limio Commerce user deletes an offer from the Limio Offer catalog, the offer will be unpublished as well. Previously, users faced issues where deleted offers were still published, so would still appear in the Limio for Salesforce offer selector.
Improvements to conditionality in Form subcomponents
We recently introduced conditionality into our checkout subcomponents, which gives users greater control and flexibility over when to display subcomponents in the modular checkout. The user experience has been improved in the following ways:
- Modify blue informational text to read: "This subcomponent will be visible when the following conditions are met. If no conditions are set, the subcomponent will display as normal."
- Show an "AND" operator to make it clear that when multiple conditions are introduced, all of them must be met in order to display the subcomponent.
- Show an icon to denote that a subcomponent has a condition set
Screenshot: The improved conditions tab on a Form subcomponent, displaying the icon, new text, and AND operator.
More Add-On functionality
We're continuing to improve our add-on solution. In this release, we're adding functionality to update the add-on quantity via API. This can be especially useful for SaaS cases where you may want to sell add-ons in certain amounts, for example, training packages for 10, 20, or 30 people.
Read more about how to update the quantity using update_subscription here: https://limio-order.redoc.ly/#operation/sendOrder
We've also corrected a bug where an error was displayed instead of the price in the Add-On table in the Subscriptions view.
Reintroduce 'Full Screen' option in Style Editor
When using the style editor in Page Builder v2, you are now able to view your code in full screen, which reduces the need to side scroll.
Screenshot: Click the Full Screen button in the Style Tab of Page Builder v2 to see your code in full screen.
Builds table URL consistent with domain
The Builds table has been improved so that the "Go to Live" link now redirects users to a URL using the correct domain configured on a page. The "Go to Live" URL and the URL in the Page Builder v2 will now be consistent. This is helpful for customers that have multiple custom domains configured.
Screenshot: The "Go to Live" link (top) now redirects to the same URL shown on the Page Builder v2 (bottom).
Update both billTo and soldTo address in one call
Customers are able to specify different address information for billing and delivery addresses. These addresses are mapped into Zuora as the BillTo and SoldTo addresses, respectively. We have streamlined our change_address functionality in the Order API so that you can specify whether to update the delivery address, the billing address, or both at the same time.
Read more about our change_address functionality here: https://limio-order.redoc.ly/#operation/sendOrder
Make Payment Fields selection required when subcomponent is present
We have improved the error handling of the payment subcomponent in the modular checkout. Limio Commerce users are now able to set an invalid message prop on the Payment Fields subcomponent, and this error message will display if a user attempts to submit their checkout without selecting a payment method.
Screenshot: If a customer attempts to submit their order without populating the payment details, then an invalid message will appear and the order will not attempt to process.
Read more about the Payment Field subcomponent here: Form Subcomponents: Payment Field
Improvements to CSP headers for Limio pages
Limio Commerce users can now define specific domains they want to allow Limio pages to be hosted on in Settings > Allowed Hosts > Allowed Ancestors. This ensures greater flexibility in how Limio pages can be hosted in an iFrame on another page.
If a page trying to host the Limio page is defined in the Allowed Ancestors section, then "x-frame-options" is removed and allowed ancestors are added. If a page trying to host a Limio page is not defined in the Allowed Ancestors section, then no header options are changed (by default, x-frame-option: self).
Screenshot: Access the Allowed Ancestors section by navigating to Settings > Allowed Hosts, and scrolling to the bottom of the page.
More validation on the Update Object API
We've added further validation to the Update Object API. We now enforce that the pendingChangeDate attribute has a datetime format.
Read more about the Update Object API here: https://update-object-limio.redoc.ly/
Improvements to indexer
We have made improvements to our indexer to prevent us indexing unnecessary data. We now only index the customer, subscription, and order objects. Additionally, we've changed the indexer process so that only the items being updated are indexed each save. This will help with stability of the indexer.
Increased the number of translatable words
Limio offers translation functionality when you want to display your Shop in another language. We have increased the number of fields that are supported by our translate functionality.
Read more about translation and localisation here: Localisation for translatable fields
Increased Journey performance
Some customers have reported that large journeys have poor performance, either that they cannot be opened or are slow to render. We've improved our journey performance so that even very large journeys with hundreds of conditions can still be successfully opened and edited.
Node upgrade
We've upgraded our Node version to ensure Limio is stable.
Bug Fixes
Remove Whitespace from Journey Name (#109551, #4116)
The leading and trailing whitespace from the journey name will now be trimmed when the journey is saved.
Unable to update Canonical Tag URLs (#109539)
Previously, saving a journey would result in an error if the Canonical Tag URL ended with a '/', but the functionality has been updated to handle URLs that contain a '/'.
Unable to update picklist attributes from in line editing on offers (#109593)
In Release 95, there was an issue where picklist values could not be properly edited from the inline editing view on Offers. This has now been resolved.
Customers able to purchase same offer twice (#3924)
Previously, some customers could purchase the same subscription twice if they refreshed the checkout page at certain times. This has now been resolved.
Unselecting label on attached offers causes an issue if there is an empty label in configuration (#109650, #109626, #109610)
Previously, there was an issue where removing an offer label would prevent users from later adding labels. This has been resolved.
Checkout description attribute appearing twice in the Modular Checkout (#109614)
There was a bug where the checkout_description__limio attribute was appearing twice in the modular checkout. This has now been resolved, so it will only appear if you have the {{checkout_description}} configured in any display text.
Shopping cart not saving selections (#109667)
There was an issue where an offer was not staying in the cart if the customer navigated away from the cart. This is now resolved, and if a customer navigates away from the cart it will stay in the cart.
List props aren't working correctly
There was an issue in Release 95 where props that displayed in a list (for example, cancel reasons in the Cancel Survey Reasons component or FAQ Items in the FAQ Banner component) didn't display and save correctly when the component was first added to a Page v2. This has now been resolved.
Gift redemption for customers with multiple subs
Previously, if a customer with an active subscription tried to redeem a gift, the Redeem component would show the loading spinner indefinitely. This has been resolved so that customers with active subscriptions can still redeem gifts.
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