The changes we've to our release process enhance efficiency and stability. Here's a quick guide to our new approach:
Limio Process
Development Duration:
Each release now undergoes a 4-week development phase, providing more time for improvements compared to the previous 2-week cycle.
Seamless Transitions:
To ensure a smooth transition, we create a new release environment before the current release is complete. This allows for a seamless handover and minimal disruptions.
Testing Phases:
- Limio Release Environments: Development and unit testing take place in the release environments. Once a ticket is complete it's promoted to our sandbox
- Limio Sandbox: Regression testing happens here, ensuring a robust release
- Customer Non-Production: User Acceptance Testing (UAT) occurs in this environment to simulate real-world scenarios
- Customer Production: The final release is deployed to the customer's production environment
Stages in a Release:
- Week 1-3: Development in the release environment
- Week 4: Closing tickets in the current release environment. No new tickets to that environment
- Week 5-6: Regression testing in Sandbox
- Week 7: Release is available to customers for UAT and production adoption
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Customer Process
- Customer requests via Limio support for QA/Dev to be updated to the new release
- Customer tests in QA/Dev, paying special attention to Custom Components and flows
- If regression bugs are found, the customer raises a support ticket
- Limio investigates and works on a fix for the regression issue
- Customer tests regression fix in QA/Dev
- Customer requests via Limio support for Prod to be updated to the new release
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To receive notifications when we publish release notes, Follow our Release Notes page.
See our estimated release dates here:
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