Limio Support is here to help with your questions, incidents, and issues.
For Feature Requests, please use our Feature Request board. Our Feature Request Board encourages collaboration by asking users to vote on existing requests before creating new ones. This ensures popular ideas get noticed and avoids duplicates, making our product better align with user desires. Join us in shaping the future!
How can I raise support requests?
You can create requests via:
- (Recommended) Our help desk
- Phone: UK & Europe: +44 20 3871 8387 and US: +1 415 799 2249
Our help desk has dynamic forms to make sure to collect all the information required for the type of issues you are facing and allow routing to the best person to solve the issue. If you are logged-in, you will be also able to easily track all open requests. This leads to faster resolution.
To resolve an issue, Limio Support will always first attempt to reproduce the issue. Therefore, the more details on how to reproduce, the better! If it's an occasional or intermittent issue, please provide timestamps of when an issue happened.
How can I see my open requests?
When raising or updating a request, you will automatically get responses via email.
You are also able to see all requests within Limio's Help Desk. Sign in and go to Requests. You can see:
- Your own requests
- Requests you have been cc-ed on
- Requests from your wider Organization
You can search, filter and also customise the columns of the table. We recommend adding Priority and Release to the columns.
How do my requests get resolved?
Limio Support will aim to resolve requests as fast as possible. If necessary, an Engineer will be assigned to provide technical support.
If we cannot solve the issue rapidly and a code change is required, the fix will be put on the Limio roadmap and prioritised according to the Priority level. You can track those requests via the Request panel.
Once a fix has been built, it will then be put in a Release. You can see the planned Release for the fix on the Request panel. The fix will also be part of the release notes.
What isn’t covered by Support?
Limio Support is here to help you on how to use our products, as well as support our standard integrations.
There's a couple of things that aren't usually included in Support:
- Feature requests: We’ve already talked about Feature Requests, which should be on the feature request board.
- Issues in third-party products: Limio maintains off-the-shelf integration with Zuora, Salesforce, Zephr, and more. Standard integration is covered in our support. However, downstream issues within those products should be raised with the relevant system.
- Professional services requests: Requests for bespoke work, such as requests for customisation to custom components, requests for data exports, or requests for custom scripts, would not be typically covered by Limio Support. However, Limio Support can point you to the right place in our documentation such as APIs to help you self-serve. If you’d still like Limio staff to perform those, please reach out to your Customer Success Executive who can explain Professional Services options.
What are responses times?
For sandboxes, Limio Support will respond within 2 working days.
For production, responses time will depend on the level of support your organisation has with Limio. Below is the two level (Standard and Premium) and responses time based on priority level.
Support Plan |
Standard support |
Premium Support |
Hours |
9am-5pm GMT/BST or EDT/EST, Mon-Fri |
24/7/365 for P0 and P1 incident 9am-5pm GMT/BST or EDT/EST, Mon-Fri for others |
Priority 0 Response time Urgent |
8 Hours (during Business Days) |
Fifteen (15) minutes (seven days a week) |
Priority 1 Response time High |
12 Hours (during Business Days) |
2 hours (seven days a week) |
Priority 2 Response time Normal |
One (1) Business Day |
4 business hours (during Business Days) |
Priority 3 Response time Low |
Two (2) Business Days |
1 business day (during Business Days) |
Priority Level 0 (Urgent): Customer experiences complete loss of Service, meeting the definition of “Unavailable”. “Unavailable” and “Unavailability” mean that, in any 1-minute period, all connection requests received by Customer’s Production Tenant(s) failed to process (each a “Failed Connection”).
Priority Level 1 (High): Customer experiences a severe defect or configuration issue with the Service that materially impacts Customer’s business in a negative way (excluding Service failures that qualify as Priority Level 0).
Priority Level 2 (Normal): Customer experiences transactional and operational slowness in the Service (excluding Service issues that qualify as Priority Level 0 or 1).
Priority Level 3 (Low): Routine Service support requests relating to issues that don’t qualify as Priority Level 0, 1 or 2.
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