Knowing how to configure tax rates in Zuora can be useful when working on features that require testing how tax inclusive / exclusive amounts are displayed.
The first thing to do is to set up Taxation Codes in Zuora.
Log into Zuora and in the top right corner, press your user profle and select "Billing".
On this screen, select Setup Taxation Codes:
Here you can view existing Tax Codes or add new ones. In this case, let's add a new one.
Fill in a name and select a tax engine - for testing purposes, we'll assume we're using Zuora Tax.
Now we need to upload the tax rates:
A sample file can be downloaded from this screen. You can also visit Zuora's support documents for more information.
An example file will look something like:
Once that's uploaded successfully, you should see:
Once that is done, the final step is to find your product in the product catalog, find the rate plan and rate plan charge you want to apply your changes to, and under taxation, update it to use your new Tax Codes.
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